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Podcasting Payouts - eBook Guide for Monetizing Podcasts [PDF]

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Unlock the Secrets to Podcast Monetization for Just $7.00!

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What You're Getting:

📚 Podcasting Payouts: Monetization Tactics and Strategies from a Radio Veteran
Authored by me, Shannon Hernandez, with over 24 years of experience in radio and podcasting.

Why This PDF?

  • Expert Insights: I share my extensive knowledge to help you effectively monetize your podcast.
  • Actionable Strategies: You'll find implementable tactics in each chapter to start earning from your podcast right away.
  • Ethical Monetization: Learn how to monetize your podcast in a responsible and ethical manner.

Who Should Read?

  • Podcasters at any stage, from beginners to veterans
  • Radio broadcasters transitioning to podcasting
  • Digital marketers looking to expand into the podcasting realm

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